The Sunshine Blogger Award

🎶 Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy…

Well something pretty amazing has happened this last week, first I got an amazing mention from the Blogging Detective at nominating me for the Sunshine Blogger Award and a couple of days later Mrs Chômeuse at nominated me as well! I am literally over the moon…thanks a million, it means so much to me, it’s been a long time since I put myself out there.

I haven’t been blogging long at all, and to be honest I wasn’t really expecting anyone to read my posts but what I have found is that the blogging community is a great one.

There’s a whole big melting pot of people with loads of inspiring, interesting and heartfelt things to say, all encouraging one another. There’s literally a blog for every taste and I dare you to find something that doesn’t tickle your fancy.

I was terrified of writing anything at first, probably fearful I didn’t really have much to say to be honest, but I’m glad I finally dipped my toe in because frankly the waters feeling fine.

If you haven’t tried a blog before, don’t wait, give it a bash because there’s a whole bunch of people waiting to egg you on.

The Sunshine Blogger award is given by bloggers to bloggers who inspire positivety and creativity in the blogging community.


1. Thank the blogger who nominated you in your blog post and link back to the blog.

2. Answer 11 questions that the Blogger asked you.

3. Nominate 11 new bloggers to receive the awards and write them 11 questions.

4. List the rules and display the Sunshine blogger award logo in your post on your blog.

Since I got nominated twice (thanks again ladies you don’t know what a boost this has been….I doff my cap to thee) I got 2 sets of questions, so I’m just gonna answer them all!

Questions from The Blogging Detective:

1. If you had to, who would you like to get marooned with?

Hands down, my daughter. She’s the best person I ever met and hilarious to boot. If she was with me, I don’t think I’d mind too much if we were ever found because we’d never run out of things to talk about.

2. If you got a million dollars right now, what would you do with it?

Buy a house in a little town I love in the south of Ireland, get my daughter a puppy and book us on a round the world trip. In true gloater fashion I would throw banknotes with gay abandon every step of the way.

3. If you had one superpower, what would it be and why?

Time travel, if there’s a place in time that it’s possible I could own a hover board I really don’t want to miss out.

4. What is your favorite hot (like cooked) dish?

Anything with an egg on it. There was never a situation in life that was made worse by the presence of an egg.

5. Would you want to be a singer or a dancer?

A singer. I can’t hold a note to save my life so it would be nice to pull a Mariah Carey one day and surprise everyone.

6. Favorite time of the day?

When my daughter comes home from school, she flings her shoes and coat off, grabs a snack and chills for a hour. I have a few coffees and a bit of lunch (usually the much celebrated egg) and we sit quietly snuggled on the couch together except for the odd hug and “I love you”…i always feel very content.

7. Why did you start a blog?

I never see things through, I was hoping that public scrutiny would finally encourage me to keep going at something, thankfully it’s working!

8. If you could pick, which celebrity would you want to meet?

Charlize Theron. I think she’s an amazing actress, with great range and would be great craic to have a pint with.

9. Would you rather travel on boats or planes?

Planes. They are massive metal birds that fly in the sky. In the sky! Mechanical marvels if you will.

10. Name one of your favorite words, and why?

Ooh this is easy: extrapolate….to guess or think about what might happen using information that is already known. My interpretation: use your own head and don’t worry about what everyone else thinks.

11. Do you have a movie that connects you to your childhood, what is it?

Labyrinth with David Bowie. Me, my mum and sister loved it. The Bog of Eternal Stench never failed to raise a laugh and we would end up singing Magic Dance round the house for days after.

Questions from Choumeuse With A Chou:

1. Why did you start your blog?

See above.

2. What are your favourite things to do (when you aren’t blogging, of course)?

Watching movies (at the very least one a day-I’m a fanatic), crocheting, being with my baby bird, spending time with friends and walking everywhere.

3. If you could only visit one place, where would you go?

I want to swim with pigs in Barbados….then I’ll know I’ve made it.

4. Do you have a favourite post from your blog?

I only have a handful so far but I liked my Parenthood poem.

5. What is your favourite book? (If it is far too difficult to choose, who is your favourite author?)

The Stolen Child by Keith Donohue, it’s based on the W.B Yeats poem and blew me away. I’d love to know what’s going on in the mind of an author like that. Books like this one leave me in awe.

6. What are your goals for your blog?

I have none, to be honest I’m still gobsmacked anyone has read my posts so I’m happy enough.

7. Which three possessions would you grab in the event of fire?

Truthfully if I got my daughter and the goldfish out safely I’d probably just let it all go. Stuff can always be replaced.

8. Do you live in the town or country where you were born?

I do, I have escaped on several occasions only to return. After all this time I think I’m finally enjoying it.

9. Do you have any unusual phobias?

I detest anyone touching the inside of my elbow. I hate it so much it has become known as my Krelbow. My daughter takes great delight in winding me up and touching it while I make “I’m gonna be sick” faces.

10. Do you speak another language?

Conversational Spanish (badly). I used to live on a Island off Spain for 3 years and picked it up. My accent is diabolical though, I understand more than I speak.

11. If you could chat to any person in history (real or literary) who would you choose?

That’s super hard but probably one of my favourite actors like Gary Oldman or Paul Giamatti.

My nominees:












My questions:

1. What has been the best thing about keeping a blog?

2. If you could be an animal, what would you be and why?

3. What’s one of the best pieces of advice you ever got?

4. Did you become what you wanted to be when you grew up? (Or if you’re not grown up, what do you want to be?)

5. If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life what would it be?

6. What was your favourite book as a child?

7. What is the ultimate thing on your bucket list?

8. If money was no object, what would you spend the rest of your days doing?

9. What was the last book you read?

10. If you could travel to deep space or deep ocean which would you choose?

11. What inspires you?

I hope my nominees choose to join in because I’m looking forward to reading your answers!

Published by

An Irish Procrastinator

Penitent. Irish. Faffer.

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